Film & TV Language: Mise-en-scene blog task

Forest gump (1994) 

C- Costume: Michael Conner Humphreys is wearing a foot brace on both legs indicating that he is disabled. This would draw sympathy out of the audience but also provide some comedic value because he is running strangely.

Also, Forrest and jenny are both wearing bright, vibrant colours with a positive colour pallete indicating that they are the "heroes" or positive protagonists

L- Lighting- Lowkey lighting with warmer colours which could give a sense of nostalgia or a memory

P- Props- Bullies are using bikes with rocks, indicating they are the binary opposition

S- Setting- Is in a dark forest being chased

Also, the cameraman tracks Forest and Jenny as they are running, almost as if we as the audience are running with them which gives an intense feel

Rocky training scene (1976)

Stallone is seen to use various props to emphasise harshness of the training, as you can see him use bricks while running, gloves , etc. The editing utilises various different cuts with different angles which could have a sense of disorientation that would be reflective of the disorientating and hard training Rocky is going through. The setting shows that these scenes are shot most likely during the early morning, with lowkey lighting and little contrast showing how Rocky would wake up so early and is dedicated to his training

Get out (2017)

This scene is illuminated with lowkey lighting, as you can see a key light with filler lights are used to give a rounded look, while the light is being casted downwards to emphasise his expression of despair while the actor instills a sense of horror with his facial expression. The setting is well lit and a living room which is familiar, the contrast of his horrified facial expression combined with a regular familiar living room completes the sense of unpredictable horror.


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