Film poster analysis

 Action futuristic sci fi, seen in the flying cars, and the man holding a gun. The man is the main protagonist and the woman is the antagonist. Target audience could be a male audience

Comedy, the production quality looks low. Tagline shows that the movie has scary elements

Target audience could be families because it is a comedy

Turkish arthouse film 

Unconventional wide shot

Provides a sense of polarity and contrast, natural lake and factory fumes.

Adult audience, gritty movie

Title in english even though it is Italian made. Appeals to international audience

Low angle shot provides sense of mystery

Horror movie, young adult audience

Dark lighting

Bad weather- shows a sense of despair

Action code: Gun holstered in mans hand: violence

action movie

the ‘&’ is made to look like a musical note

the ‘&’ is made to look like a musical note, which could show that it may be a musical film. 

The genre would be classed as a romantic comedy and the audience would be adults

Low, dark lighting , action gritty film

Main character is in the middle of the shot

Target audience is young adults

Close shot with highkey lighting

Main protaganists in centre of the shot

Target audience is young adults and families


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